Щоденник нареченої Христа
Щоденник нареченої Христа
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Diary of a Bride of Christ

Marta Smerechynska
2022 year
drama, portrait film
ukr, eng
ukr, eng

For young girls who choose to become Brides of Christ, everything is full of God's love. Nuns see its manifestations everywhere: in the removal of their hair, in the renunciation of their names. Above all, there are intimate stories of the nuns about the emergence to their vocation. What is it like to be a Bride of Christ? But also, what is it like to be a director of a film about these Brides if your younger sister is one of them? This film is the result of a year-long in-depth observation of the life of the film director's sister and other nuns in a modern Greek Catholic convent in Western Ukraine.

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Сreative group
Directed by

Marta Smerechynska

Written by

Marta Smerechynska

Produced by

Natalia Libet
Vitalii Sheremetiev

Cinematography by

Sonya Gerasimova

Sound by

Karina Rezhevska

Music by

Mykyta Moiseiev

Film Editing by

Kseniia Shyrokova


Chicken Kyiv Films
[email protected]

Film trailer «Diary of a Bride of Christ »

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