The first Ukrainian service for collective online film-watching.
It’s more fun to watch together!

Watch movies in groups of 2–25 people

Share your impressions via instant chat

Discuss the film in a video-call with friends or filmmakers

Express your emotions with a “Fussy Duck” sticker pack

Save money on a group ticket

Step 1
Fill in the form
Give it a name. Choose a date and time.
Enter your invitees’ emails or send them a link after you complete the purchase.

Step 2
Pay for the ticket
Enter your card details or choose GooglePay to purchase a group ticket.
(More guests equals a cheaper price per person.)

Step 3
Launch the screening
Click the “Start Kinoparty” button and enjoy watching as a group.

Step 4
Express your emotions with stickers, discuss the film via the chat,
invite friends, filmmakers, and others to a video call.

Choose any film from the Takflix collection
or take a chance with a selection from our viewers: