Іван і Марта
Іван і Марта
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Ivan and Marta

Serhii Bukovskyi
2023 year
portrait film, drama
ukr, rus
eng, ukr

Ivan Dziuba was a literary critic, publicist, and a "symbol of Ukrainian sixtiers." Lina Kostenko recalls him as a person who always had the courage to speak the truth. As the initiator of the famous protest against the mass arrests of Ukrainian intellectuals during the premiere of Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors by Serhiy Parajanov, alongside Vasyl Stus and Vyacheslav Chornovil, and as the author of the landmark book Internationalism or Russification?, he inevitably drew close attention from the KGB. 

Through all the anxieties and repressions associated with his dissident activities, his wife Marta stood by his side. Together they spent 62 years. Ivan and Marta is a tender story of their relationship and Ivan's active civic stance, told by his wife, who was his steadfast support and the love of his life until the very end.

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Сreative group
Directed by

Serhii Bukovskyi

Written by

Serhii Bukovskyi
Viktoria Bondar

Produced by

Oksana Ivaniuk

Cinematography by

Roman Yelenskyi

Sound Design by

Ihor Barba
Andriy Rohachov

Music by

Sandro di Stefano

Film Editing by

Oleksandr Sukhov


[email protected]

Film trailer «Ivan and Marta »

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Nataliia Liferova
фільм прекрасний. такий, що пробуджує душу і віру, що добра в світі все таки більше. світла памʼять Івану Михайловичу.
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Наталія Ванько
Дуже цікавий фільм! Дякую режисеру за ідею.
Tamara Kabysh-Rybalka
Дуже дякую за цей фільм! Світлий, глибокий, можна багато що прочитати між рядками! Ціную те що закарбували в історію цю красиву історію любові!
Nataliia Liferova
фільм прекрасний. такий, що пробуджує душу і віру, що добра в світі все таки більше. світла памʼять Івану Михайловичу.