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Own Voice

Sergiy Masloboyschykov
2016 year
ukr, rus
ukr, eng

The Schedryk choir is a world-seeing, turned to the music with a soft gesture, fair work in the conditions of hypocritical propaganda, own path, which cannot be left. Own Voice is a movie about happiness, childhood, and growing up. The history of Schedryk is the history of cultural resistance, which made Kyiv a musical city; it’s a movie about female leaders, who demonstrated to a few generations an example of clear conscience.

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Сreative group
Directed by

Sergiy Masloboyschykov

Written by

Svitlana Zinovieva
Igor Minaiev

Produced by

Svitlana Zinovieva

Cinematography by

Bogdan Verzhbitsky
Ivan Zotikov
Anna Voytenko

Sound Engineer

Dmytro Skrypka


Chicken Kyiv Films
[email protected]

Film trailer «Own Voice »

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