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Where Russia Ends

Oleksiy Radynski
2024 year
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Where Russia Ends is an essayistic road movie that interrogates the overlooked histories of settler colonialism and environmental destruction in Russia-occupied indigenous lands.

In 2022, a number of previously unknown film materials had been discovered at the Science Film Studio in Kyiv, documenting several filmic expeditions undertaken in the 1980s by a group of Ukrainian filmmakers to various parts of Siberia and the Far North.

These materials are the starting point for the recovery of erased histories of multiple imperialist wars that the Russian state had waged against its current colonies.

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Where Russia Ends
Where Russia Ends
Where Russia Ends
Where Russia Ends
Where Russia Ends
Where Russia Ends
Where Russia Ends
Where Russia Ends
Festivals and awards
Сreative group
Directed by

Oleksiy Radynski

Written by

Philipp Goll
Oleksiy Radynski

Research by

Philipp Goll
Oleksiy Radynski

Produced by

Lyuba Knorozok


Voice-over by

Lyuba Knorozok

Sound Design by

Andriy Borysenko

Film Editing by

Taras Spivak

Film trailer «Where Russia Ends »

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