Chornobyl 22
Chornobyl 22
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Chornobyl 22

Oleksiy Radynski
2023 year
ukr, rus
ukr, eng
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During the Russian occupation of the Chornobyl Zone in early 2022, a local informant is clandestinely filming the Russian troops. We hear the workers of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Station discuss their experiences during the Russian military takeover of their facility – an act of nuclear terror which threatened another global disaster at this site. Past and present catastrophic scenarios intertwine in this macabre episode of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This work has been developed as part of the Reckoning Project, a media and forensic effort to aimed at investigating and prosecuting Russian war crimes in Ukraine.

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Чорнобиль 22
Чорнобиль 22
Чорнобиль 22
Чорнобиль 22
Чорнобиль 22
Сreative group
Directed by

Oleksiy Radynski

Written by

Oleksiy Radynski

Produced by

Lyuba Knorozok

Cinematography by

Max Savchenko

Sound Design by

Andriy Borysenko

Film Editing by

Taras Spivak


Chicken Kyiv Films
[email protected]

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Jake Finn
Raw, urgent and open-ended, this film feels like the work of Babylon'13. Chornobyl was a place, a community with preserved traditions and culture. Moscow imposed a disaster in 1986 and inflicted another in 2022. This film humanises a place and its people. It is not the mythological "Chernobyl", but a Chornobyl of men and women like you and me. The most effective thing is the cold horror and the blindness. It is typified by an anonymous man filming vehicles passing. He doesn't know what they are. He eventually knows what a BMP is, but there is still fear. I can now recognise these vehicles, tanks, logistical trucks, missile systems and thermobaric launchers. I am afraid and I know that these weapons are so close to me and everyone in Europe. They are aliens. They come. They defecate in buildings. They dig trenches in radioactive earth. They loot radioactive property. They value neither their own lives, nor the lives of others. The orcs are not shown and their psychological and cultural difference is highlighted. The illusion of European looking men is not here. They do not understand our values. Stealing, invading, killing, destroying are not acts of evil for them. The film allows their acts to speak for them. Not the cruellest of war crimes, not the massacres and theft of children, but the mundane nastiness and idiocy of deeply ingrained fascism.
Марія Данилюк
Клас, потрібний фільм.♥️
vasul hadiak
надіюсь під...ри у себе на болотах там і здохли.дякую за фільм.
Христина Василенко
Як на мене, тема залишилася нерозкритою. Від кадрів зйомок телефоном розболілася голова. Таке собі кіно. Не рекомендую до перегляду.