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The Dream

Volodymyr Denysenko
1964 year

A young poet, Taras Shevchenko, who has written damning poems, is summoned for questioning. But instead of explaining himself, the poet writes new verses about the bleak fate of Ukraine. His punishment is to become a soldier with a ban on writing and drawing. The film The Dream follows the biography of Taras Shevchenko from his childhood to his years in exile. The plot is based on the poem of the same name, the poet's memories after interrogation, his fantasies, visions, and events that took place in the history of Ukraine.

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Егор Умрихин
Andrii Gladii
Достатньо цікавий фільм. Іван Миколайчук чудово зіграв молодого Шевченка. Коли, як не сьогодні 9 березня переглянути цей фільм!
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Samuel Amarghi
Awesome movie, and I 100% recommend. THe only problem is that there are no subtitles, neither in ukrainian nor english subtitles. So, for people who don't speak Ukrainian as a native language, it is difficult to understand everything. The DVD release of this certainly has subtitles in both languages. So, I can't imagine why they can't be included here.