Порцелянова війна
Порцелянова війна
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Porcelain War

Slava Leontyev & Brendan Bellomo
2024 year
ukr, rus
ukr, eng
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Amidst the chaos and destruction of the brutal Russian invasion of Ukraine, three artists defiantly find inspiration and beauty as they defend their culture and their country. In a war waged by professional soldiers against ordinary civilians, Slava Leontyev, Anya Stasenko, and Andrey Stefanov choose to stay behind, armed with their art, their cameras, and, for the first time in their lives, their guns. Despite daily shelling, Anya finds resistance and purpose in her art, Andrey takes the dangerous journey to get his young family to safety abroad, and Slava becomes a weapons instructor for ordinary people who have become unlikely soldiers. As the war intensifies, Andrey picks up his camera to film their story, and on tiny porcelain figurines, Anya and Slava capture their idyllic past, uncertain present, and hope for the future.

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Порцелянова війна
Порцелянова війна
Порцелянова війна
Порцелянова війна
Festivals and awards

U.S. Documentary Grand Jury Prize

Outstanding Directorial Achievement in Documentaries

Nomination in Best Documentary Feature Film

Сreative group
Directed by

Slava Leontyev
Brendan Bellomo

Written by

Aniela Sidorska
Brendan Bellomo
Paula DuPre’ Pesmen

Produced by

Aniela Sidorska
Paula DuPre’ Pesmen
Camilla Mazzaferro

Cinematography by

Andrey Stefanov

Film Editing by

Brendan Bellomo
Aniela Sidorska
Kelly Cameron

Music by



Arthouse Traffic (Ukraine)

Film trailer «Porcelain War »

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Oxana Rodina
чудовий фільм,але як же ж бісила російська мова,особливо коли дівчата нею забалакали,через це багато разів хотіла вимкнути і... вимкнула
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