Король Лір: як ми шукали любов під час війни
Король Лір: як ми шукали любов під час війни
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King Lear: How We Looked for Love During the War

Dmytro Hreshko
2023 year
ukr, rus
ukr, eng

On February 24, 2022, a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine began. Millions of Ukrainians were forced to flee their homes and save themselves from the horrors of the war. Many of them took refuge in the small western Ukrainian town of Uzhhorod in Transcarpathia, which borders four EU countries. Despite the occasional air attack sirens, Uzhhorod remains quite a comfortable and peaceful town.

Vyacheslav Yehorov, a local activist who works with his wife to help displaced people and organises the children’s leisure time, decides to realise his long-held dream of staging Shakespeare’s King Lear. The actors in his theatre will be amateurs – displaced people. Former teachers, artists, engineers, sales assistants, and housewives are adapting to the new conditions and getting used to the new realities. The theatre play helps them find themselves and their destiny in a new world where the war is happening, and the director finds an answer to the eternal question of what love is, and why this world should not perish.

Support the displaced peoples' theater group: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/6YxuVPhAW7

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Король Лір
Сreative group
Directed by

Dmytro Hreshko

Author of idea

Viacheslav Yehorov

Produced by

Polina Herman

Associate Producers

Jasmine Stodel
Volodymyr Filipov

Cinematography by

Dmytro Hreshko
Yurii Hotra
Rostyslav Zabolotnyi

Sound Design by

Volodymyr Tretiakov

Music by

Anton Dehtiarov

Film Editing by

Victor Malyarenko


Chicken Kyiv Films
[email protected]

Film trailer «King Lear: How We Looked for Love During the War »

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