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Dandelions' Bloom

Oleksandr Іhnatusha
1992 year
ukr, rus

Yura, a young man who has served eight years for a minor crime, is released from prison. He finds himself in his village, already in independent Ukraine. On the radio is heard a voice of the first president, who promises Ukrainians the right to a dignified life, and young people in clubs "dance non-Moscow, independent rock 'n' roll". The young man is trying to fit into a new picture of the world, even starting a relationship with a Latvian girl from Moscow. The smell of freedom and international friendship wafts through the air.

Dreamy and full of hope for a new life, Yura is returned to earth by the executive service of the police, which acts as a long-standing and well-established repressive mechanism.

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Сreative group

Chicken Kyiv Films
[email protected]

Film trailer «Dandelions' Bloom »
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Jake Finn
Could you please add English subtitles? Thank you so much for your work sharing Ukrainian cinema! I look forward to seeing more films here!
Василь Керімов
В цьому фільмі є все: важливі соціальні теми, палка драма, екшн. І, не зважаючи на не такий вже набитий подіями сюжет, фільм постійно рухається, не витрачаючи зайво і крихти твого часу. Це мав би бути загальновідомий улюбленець глядацьких симпатій.