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Dad's Sneakers

Olha Zhurba
2021 year
ukr, eng, rus
ukr, eng
Unfortunately this film is currently not available due to the terms of the license agreement.

This is 13-year-old Sasha’s last day at a residential school for children without parental care. He is one of the lucky ones: he has been adopted by an American family and he is moving to another country forever. Yet there is something holding him back. 

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Festivals and awards

Golden Duke in National Short Film Competition

Best Short Fiction Film (Yurii Minzianov Award)


Сreative group
Directed by

Olha Zhurba

Written by

Olha Zhurba

Produced by

Maxym Asadchiy
Sashko Chubko 

Cinematography by

Volodymyr Usyk

Production Design by

Anastasiia Stoikova

Sound Design by

Vasyl Yavtushenko 

Film Editing by

Olha Zhurba


Bohdan Zenchenko
Dmytro Buchek
Ihor Oliynyk


Chicken Kyiv Films
[email protected]

Film trailer «Dad's Sneakers »

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Ivan Slepchenko
Yulia Repeta
Я побачила те про що мало говорять. Діти люблять безумовно своїх батьків , ким би ці батьки не були. І тягнуться до рідних скільки б вони не зраджували , нехтували , відмовлялися. Їх не підкупити не перспективами не смаколиками. Вони хочуть бути з рідними.