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Mantas Kvedaravičius
2019 year
ukr, rus, ara, eng, tur
ukr, eng
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In a cheap brothel at the foothills of an Athenian fortress, a man recounts the magnificent events of his life. His search for love and glory is retold and relived by many: a prostitute with an unredeemable past, a gangster haunted by bad luck, an icon painter who has no faith - In one of the stories, the man finds his riches, in another he becomes a vagabond prophet, in yet another he returns home to his wife. Memories betray him, but he knows for sure that in one of these lives, he will be killed.

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Дарья Шевченко
Прекрасний фільм!! Усім рекомендую!!👍
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Fernando Figueroa
4⭐Husserl-like transcendental phenomenological cinema. Obviously it is not a 5-star work, there are sequences that should have been shaved, either because they are redundant, or because they could be edited to 5 minutes instead of 9 or 10, but it is a formidable proposal for contemporary life stories. The director's prophylactic intention is understood, he silently shouts that he does not want to contaminate the stories of the characters he presents with his judgment; not placing voiceover or omniscient narrator or omniscient character; not even Mahdi is telling us why he pawns his dreams to search for treasures or gold to the point of forging a passport (or so I understood from the coffee scene with the Turk).