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Man's Work

Maryna Stepanska
2015 year
ukr, rus

He is a decision maker working for a Corporation, which is engaged in illegal occupation of rural land. Leaving for another "object"  he discovers a huge unfinished cathedral at the infinite field. He needs to decide what to do with the cathedral, as well as to subdue a farmer who rightfully owns the land. How will he deal with it?

50% of ticket sales will be donated to the association of independent filmmaker #BABYLON'13 and will be used to support the urgent needs of filmmakers fighting on the front lines.

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Яків Сивуха
Дяка за історію... Таку варто глянути в компанії та обговорити трохи
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Андрей Карпович
Не знаю, пустышка какая то. Словно сняли завязку истории, а дальше снимать передумали. Непонятные долгие крупные планы.... паузы...