Народний музей Авдіївки
Народний музей Авдіївки
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Avdiivka National Museum

Piotr Armianovski
2018 year
ukr, rus

The main exposition of the museum in Avdiivka was dedicated to the Caucasus. In 2015, exposition was partly destroyed due to the Russian projectile. But now in Avdiivka there is again a people's museum - a place where the most wonderful ideas come to life.

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Daria Li
Скільки нових страшних експонатів принесе новий вирій війни в музей Авдіївки? Кадри з архіву директора музея такі незвично-наївні, ніби ностальгія за часами, в яких не жив та яких не цінували. Сподіваюся, справу Юлія Войнаровича продовжать і після перемоги його послідовники.
du Plessis Nancy
How Avdiivka and its museum may have looked several years ago... Now war has returned to Avdiivka once again. What will be left when it's over? I hope that the chief of the museum who died in 2016 did not die in the war and that the young people who did the theater workshop and everyone who made the film can still create art and dance, if not right now, then soon.
ирина ященко
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